Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Intervention with methotrexate in patients with arthralgia at risk of rheumatoid arthritis to reduce the development of persistent arthritis and its disease burden (TREAT EARLIER)
Intermetatarsal bursitis, a novel feature of Juxtaarticular Inflammation in early rheumatoid arthritis related to clinical signs
Evidence for the presence of synovial sheaths surrounding the extensor tendons at the metacarpophalangeal joints
Which inflamed tissues explain a positive metatarsophalangeal squeeze test?
Walking disabilities in association with tenosynovitis at the metatarsophalangeal joints
Walking disabilities are associated with tenosynovitis at the metatarsophalangeal joints
The forefoot in early rheumatoid arthritis: Anatomy, imaging and clinical aspects
Increased frequency of intermetatarsal and submetatarsal bursitis in early rheumatoid arthritis
TREAT Early Arthralgia to Reverse or Limit Impending Exacerbation to Rheumatoid arthritis (TREAT EARLIER)
Reliability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scoring of the metatarsophalangeal joints of the foot according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis MRI Score
Improving the feasibility of MRI in clinically suspect arthralgia for prediction of rheumatoid arthritis by omitting scanning of the feet
The relation between physical joint examination and MRI-depicted inflammation of metatarsophalangeal joints in early arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis and tenosynovitis at the metatarsophalangeal joints
A search to the target tissue in which RA-specific inflammation starts: a detailed MRI study to improve identification of RA-specific features in the phase of clinically suspect arthralgia
What is the additional value of MRI of the foot to the hand in undifferentiated arthritis to predict rheumatoid arthritis development?
What is the additional value of MRI of the foot to the hand in undifferentiated arthritis to predict rheumatoid arthritis development?
Validity of the rheumatoid arthritis MRI score applied to the forefeet using the OMERACT filter: a systematic literature review
Tenosynovitis in the Forefoot at Disease Presentation Is Specific for RA: Results from a Cross-Sectional MRI Study in Early Arthritis