Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Pricing privacy – the right to know the value of your personal data
Lists of ethical, legal, societal and economic issues of big data technologies
Houd schendingen van privacy niet onder de pet
The Police Hack Back: Legitimacy, Necessity and Privacy Implications of The Next Step in Fighting Cybercrime
Nederlandse Patriot Act gaat weinig opleveren
Nepnieuws, filterbubbels en echokamers
Big data and data reuse: a taxonomy of data reuse for balancing big data benefits and personal data protection
Ransomware, cryptoware en het witwassen van losgeld in Bitcoins
Click here to consent forever: Expiry dates for informed consent
Technologie voor opsporing en handhaving; kansen, ervaringen en knelpunten
Big Data in wetenschappelijk onderzoek
Legal Barriers and Enablers to Big Data Reuse - A critical Assessment of the Challenges for the EU Law
De onstuitbare opmars van drones: ontwikkelingen in technologie en regulering voor lichte onbemande luchtvaartuigen
Promising policing technologies: Experiences, obstacles and police needs regarding law enforcement technologies
Privacy Expectations of Social Media Users: The Role of Informed Consent in Privacy Policies
Informed Consent in Social Media Use. The Gap between User Expectations and EU Personal Data Protection Law
Big Data Mining, Fairness and Privacy
Aandachtspunten voor het College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens
Whose responsibility is it anyway? Dealing with the consequences of new technologies
