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Pregnant women at increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes: A combination of less healthy behaviors and adverse psychosocial and socio-economic circumstances
Factors associated with the identification of child mental health problems in primary care-a systematic review
Smoking cessation advice after cervical screening: a qualitative interview study of acceptability in Dutch primary care
Identification of children at risk for mental health problems in primary care-Development of a prediction model with routine health care data
Smokers' identity and quit advice in general practice: General practitioners need to focus more on female smokers
Services use by children and parents in multiproblem families
Smokers’ identity and quit advice in general practice: General practitioners need to focus more on female smokers
Parent Training Programs for Ethnic Minorities: a Meta-analysis of Adaptations and Effect
Group based prenatal care in a low-and high risk population in the Netherlands: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial
Exploring strategies to reach individuals of Turkish and Moroccan origin for health checks and lifestyle advice: a mixed-methods study
Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support: Understanding low participation of ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status families in the Netherlands
Exploring strategies to reach individuals of Turkish and Moroccan origin for health checks and lifestyle advice: a mixed-methods study
Critical stakeholder determinants to the implementation of intersectoral community approaches targeting childhood obesity
A stitch in time saves nine? A repeated cross-sectional case study on the implementation of the intersectoral community approach Youth At a Healthy Weight
Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check
Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check
Comparing three short questionnaires to detect psychosocial problems among 3 to 4-year olds
Factors Influencing the Introduction of Physical Activity Interventions in Primary Health Care: a Qualitative Study
