Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Resolved CO(1-0) emission and gas properties in luminous dusty star-forming galaxies at z = 2-4
Neutral outflows in high-z QSOs
Characterisation of Herschel-selected strong lens candidates through HST and sub-mm/mm observations
Bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) III
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies
SUNRISE: The rich molecular inventory of high-redshift dusty galaxies revealed by broadband spectral line surveys
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies
The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS)
Molecular gas in z ~ 6 quasar host galaxies
The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) I
Resolved neutral outflow from a lensed dusty star-forming Galaxy at z = 2.09
Close-up view of a luminous star-forming galaxy at z = 2.95
The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: CO excitation and atomic carbon in star-forming galaxies at z = 1-3
The ALMA spectroscopic survey large program: the infrared excess of z = 1.5-10 UV-selected galaxies and the implied high-redshift star formation history
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: multiband constraints on line-luminosity functions and the cosmic density of molecular gas
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: constraining the molecular content at log(M*/M) 9.5 with CO stacking of MUSE-detected z >1.5 galaxies
The evolution of the baryons associated with galaxies averaged over cosmic time and space
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: the nature of the faintest dusty star-forming galaxies
