Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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A theoretical framework and questionnaire for wonder-full education
Using progress feedback to improve outcomes and reduce drop-out, treatment duration, and deterioration
Satisficing in mental health care patients
Satisficing in mental health care patients: the effect of cognitive symptoms on self-report data quality
The assessment and impact of careless responding in routine outcome monitoring within mental health care
The Assessment and Impact of Careless Responding in Routine Outcome Monitoring within Mental Health Care
Response Inconsistency of Patient-Reported Symptoms as a Predictor of Discrepancy Between Patient and Clinician-Reported Depression Severity
Person misfit on the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology: Low quality self-report or true atypical symptom profile?
Satisficing in Mental Health Care Patients: The Effect of Cognitive Symptoms on Self-Report Data Quality.
Psychometric Properties of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS)
Psychometric Properties of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS)
Person misfit on the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology: Low quality self-report or true atypical symptom profile?
Response inconsistency of patient-reported symptoms as a predictor of discrepancy between patient and clinician-reported depression severity
Identifying person-fit latent classes, and explanation of categorical and continuous person misfit
Detecting and explaining aberrant responding to the outcome questionnaire–45