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Organic dye-sensitized nitrene generation
The influence of acceptor acidity on hydrogen bond mediated aglycone delivery (HAD) through the picoloyl protecting group
Anomeric triflates versus dioxanium ions
Synthesis of unsymmetrical difluoromethylene bisphosphonates
Synthesis and application of bacterial exopolysaccharides
The group A streptococcal vaccine candidate VAX-A1 protects against group B Streptococcusinfection via cross-reactive IgG targeting virulence factor C5a peptidase
A multiplexing activity-based protein-profiling platform for dissection of a native bacterial xyloglucan-degrading system
Invasive Staphylococcus epidermidis uses a unique processive wall teichoic acid glycosyltransferase to evade immune recognition
Pseudomonas aeruginosa AlgF is a protein-protein interaction mediator required for acetylation of the alginate exopolysaccharide
Neighboring-group participation by C-2 acyloxy groups
Formation of glycosyl trichloroacetamides from trichloroacetimidate donors occurs through an intermolecular aglycon transfer reaction
Re-exploring the anthracycline chemical space for better anti-cancer compounds
Re-exploring the anthracycline chemical space for better anti-cancer compounds
Four of a kind
PGL-III, a rare intermediate of Mycobacterium leprae phenolic glycolipid biosynthesis, is a potent Mincle ligand
4-thioribose analogues of adenosine diphosphate ribose (ADPr) peptides
Total synthesis and structural studies of zwitterionic Bacteroides fragilis polysaccharide A1 fragments
Schistosoma mansoni egg-derived thioredoxin and Sm14 drive the development of IL-10 producing regulatory B cells
Regio- and stereoselective organocatalyzed relay glycosylations to synthesize 2-amino-2-deoxy-1,3-dithioglycosides
Elucidating the role of N-acetylglucosamine in Group A Carbohydrate for the development of an effective glycoconjugate vaccine against Group A Streptococcus
