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Manno-epi-cyclophellitols enable activity-based protein profiling of human alpha-mannosidases and discovery of new golgi mannosidase II inhibitors
Manno-epi-cyclophellitols enable activity-based protein profiling of human α-mannosidases and discovery of new Golgi mannosidase II inhibitors
Synthesis of stable NAD(+)mimics as inhibitors for the Legionella pneumophila phosphoribosyl ubiquitylating enzyme SdeC
Synthesis of 2-azido-2-deoxy- and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-manno derivatives as versatile building blocks
Systematic Dual Targeting of Dendritic Cell C-Type Lectin Receptor DC-SIGN and TLR7 Using a Trifunctional Mannosylated Antigen
Alpha-d-Gal-cyclophellitol cyclosulfamidate is a Michaelis complex analog that stabilizes therapeutic lysosomal alpha-galactosidase A in Fabry disease
Elucidating the Ordering in Self-Assembled Glycocalyx Mimicking Supramolecular Copolymers in Water
Molecular mechanisms of Aspergillus fumigatus biofilm disruption by fungal and bacterial glycoside hydrolases
Dual Synthetic Peptide Conjugate Vaccine Simultaneously Triggers TLR2 and NOD2 and Activates Human Dendritic Cells
Reagent Controlled Stereoselective Assembly of alpha-(1,3)-Glucans
Synthesis, Reactivity, and Stereoselectivity of 4-Thiofuranosides
1‐Picolinyl‐5‐azido Thiosialosides: Versatile Donors for the Stereoselective Construction of Sialyl Linkages
1‐Picolinyl‐5‐azido Thiosialosides: Versatile Donors for the Stereoselective Construction of Sialyl Linkages
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus alters cell wall glycosylation to evade immunity
Two-step activity-based protein profiling of diacylglycerol lipase
Mapping the Relationship between Glycosyl Acceptor Reactivity and Glycosylation Stereoselectivity
Formation of Immune Complexes with a Tetanus-Derived B Cell Epitope Boosts Human T Cell Responses to Covalently Linked Peptides in an Ex Vivo Blood Loop System
Formation of Immune Complexes with a Tetanus-Derived B Cell Epitope Boosts Human T Cell Responses to Covalently Linked Peptides in an Ex Vivo Blood Loop System
Streamlined Synthesis and Evaluation of Teichoic Acid Fragments
Linking T cell epitopes to a common linear B cell epitope: A targeting and adjuvant strategy to improve T cell responses
