Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Investigating the impact of metabolic syndrome traits on telomere length
Obesity, fat distribution and risk of cancer in women and men
Apolipoprotein A-V is a potential target for treating coronary artery disease
Apolipoprotein A-V is a potential target for treating coronary artery disease
Sex hormones, adiposity, and metabolic traits in men and women
Higher thyrotropin leads to unfavorable lipid profile and somewhat higher cardiovascular disease risk
The relation between adult weight gain, adipocyte volume, and the metabolic profile at middle age
Telomere length and metabolic syndrome traits
Triglyceride-lowering LPL alleles combined with LDL-C-lowering alleles are associated with an additively improved lipoprotein profile
Investigating the relationships between unfavourable habitual sleep and metabolomic traits: evidence from multi-cohort multivariable regression and Mendelian randomization analyses
Associations between outdoor temperature and bright sunlight with metabolites in two population-based European cohorts
Conditionally immortalized brown preadipocytes can switch between proliferative and differentiated states
The proposed systemic thermogenic metabolites succinate and 12,13-diHOME are inversely associated with adiposity and related metabolic traits: evidence from a large human cross-sectional study
Associations of Outdoor Temperature, Bright Sunlight, and Cardiometabolic Traits in Two European Population-Based Cohorts
A Diurnal Rhythm in Brown Adipose Tissue Causes Rapid Clearance and Combustion of Plasma Lipids at Wakening
A Diurnal Rhythm in Brown Adipose Tissue Causes Rapid Clearance and Combustion of Plasma Lipids at Wakening