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Evaluation of completely online psychotherapy with app-support versus therapy as usual for clients with depression or anxiety disorder
What is needed for improved uptake and adoption of digital aftercare programs by cancer survivors
Development of the Huntington Support App (HD-eHelp study)
The FRESHAIR4Life study: Global implementation research on non-communicable disease prevention targeting adolescents' exposure to tobacco and air pollution in disadvantaged populations
Patient engagement to counter catheter-associated urinary tract infections with an app (PECCA)
The feasibility and usability of a personal health record for patients with multiple sclerosis
Movement patterns in older adults recovering from hip fracture
Digital triage tools for sexually transmitted infection testing compared with general practitioners' advice
Facilitators of and Barriers to the Use of a Digital Self-Management Service for Diagnostic Testing: Focus Group Study With Potential Users
The asthma app as a new way to promote responsible short-acting beta2-agonist use in people with asthma
SERIES: eHealth in primary care. Part 6: global perspectives: learning from eHealth for low-resource primary care settings and across high-, middle- and low-income countries
Direct-to-patient digital diagnostics in primary care
Guide development for eHealth interventions targeting people with a low socioeconomic position
Guide development for eHealth interventions targeting people with a low socioeconomic position
A digital platform to support communication and organization in the general practice
"Boy, what are we all doing? We are crazy, really crazy"
"Boy, what are we all doing? We are crazy, really crazy"
Implementing integrated care guidelines in asthma and COPD
Overcoming the digital divide for older patients with respiratory disease
Exploring colorectal cancer survivors' perspectives on improving care delivery and the role of e-health technology
