Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Formation of the methyl cation by photochemistry in a protoplanetary disk
The EDIBLES survey
A high-resolution study of near-IR diffuse interstellar bands, search for small-scale structure, time variability, and stellar features
Experimental and theoretical needs for the JWST Early Release Science Program on radiative feedback from massive stars (PDRs4ALL)
Experimental and theoretical needs for the JWST Early Release Science Program PDRs4All: radiative feedback from massive stars
The messy death of a multiple star system and the resulting planetary nebula as observed by JWST
Families and clusters of diffuse interstellar bands
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon emission model in photodissociation regions - I.
The EDIBLES survey. V. Line profile variations in the λ λ 5797, 6379, and 6614 diffuse interstellar bands as a tool to constrain carrier sizes
C_60^+ diffuse interstellar band correlations and environmental variations
Families and clusters of diffuse interstellar bands
C60+ as a diffuse interstellar band carrier; a spectroscopic story in 6 acts
Characterization of the planetary nebula Tc 1 based on VLT X-shooter observations
Confirming Interstellar C_60+ Using the Hubble Space Telescope
Searching for stable fullerenes in space with computational chemistry
The EDIBLES survey. IV. Cosmic ray ionization rates in diffuse clouds from near-ultraviolet observations of interstellar OH+
Effect of molecular structure on the infrared signatures of astronomically relevant PAHs
