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Plausible association of distant late M dwarfs with low-frequency radio emission
V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Polarised radio pulsations from a new T-dwarf binary
No strong radio absorption detected in the low-frequency spectra of radio-loud quasars at z > 5.6
Milliarcsecond structures of variable-peaked spectrum sources
VLBI multiview astrometry of radio stars
The LOFAR LBA sky survey
Pushing subarcsecond resolution imaging down to 30 MHz with the trans-European International LOFAR Telescope
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Radio modelling of the brightest and most luminous non-thermal colliding-wind binary Apep
Wide-band spectral variability of peaked spectrum sources
Searching for pulsars associated with polarised point sources using LOFAR
Peculiar radio-X-ray relationship in active stars
Optical properties of peaked spectrum radio sources
Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope
Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope. I.
High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C 43.15
Origin of the ring structures in Hercules A.
Radio masers on WX UMa
Signatures of star-planet interactions across the electromagnetic spectrum
