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(21 - 34 of 34)


IRAS sources beyond the solar circle. II - Distribution in the Galactic warp
Structure and physical properties of the bipolar outflow source NGC 7023
Search for C-12O emission from twelve irregular dwarf galaxies
The shape of the outer-Galaxy HI layer. I - Atlas of volume densities in cuts through a composite, galactocentric data cube
A high resolution H I absorption spectrum of SGR A(asterisk)
Distribution and motions of H I in M31
Leiden-Green Bank survey of atomic hydrogen in the galactic disk. II - Integrated properties in l, B maps
Associations between neutral and ionized gas in SGR A
Leiden-Green Bank survey of atomic hydrogen in the galactic disk. I - l, V and b, V maps
A high resolution hydrogen line survey of Messier 31. II - The warped flaring hydrogen layer
CO-13 in the inner galactic plane
VLA synthesis of H I absorption toward SGR A
