Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Reducing worry and subjective health complaints: A randomized trial of an internet-delivered worry postponement intervention
Physiological concomitants of perseverative cognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Anger in brain and body: The neural and physiological perturbation of decision-making by emotion
The effects of perseverative cognition on diverse physiological responses: an integrative view
Changing Mental Health and Positive Psychological Well-Being Using Ecological Momentary Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Measuring the unreportable: tests of unconscious stress and cardiovascular activity
The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned fear extinction in humans
Piekeren en rumineren en fysieke gezondheid: Een meta-analyse
Gender differences in the impact of daily sadness on 24-h heart rate variability
Reducing worry and subjective health complaints: A randomized trial of an internet-delivered worry postponement intervention
Ambulatory assessed implicit affect is associated with salivary cortisol
Goal linking and everyday worries in clinical work stress: A daily diary study
Tryptophan depletion affects heart rate variability and impulsivity in remitted depressed patients with a history of suicidal ideation.
Selective processing of threatening information: effects of attachment representation and anxiety disorder on attention and memory.
