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A molecular absorption line survey towards the AGN of Hydra-A
GAMA + KiDS: empirical correlations between halo mass and other galaxy properties near the knee of the stellar-to-halo mass relation
Constraining cold accretion on to supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption
Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): motivation, design, and target catalogue
Observational constraints on the physical nature of submillimetre source multiplicity: chance projections are common
Galaxy And Mass Assembly: the G02 field, Herschel-ATLAS target selection and data release 3
Ultra-red Galaxies Signpost Candidate Protoclusters at High Redshift
A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole
High-resolution SMA imaging of bright submillimetre sources from the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey
The abundance of ultra-diffuse galaxies from groups to clusters. UDGs are relatively more common in more massive haloes
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Multi-wavelength Properties of ALMA-identified Submillimeter Galaxies in UKIDSS UDS
The XXL Survey. I. Scientific motivations - XMM-Newton observing plan - Follow-up observations and simulation programme
ALMA Observations of Lyα Blob 1: Halo Substructure Illuminated from Within
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: ALMA Resolves the Rest-frame Far-infrared Emission of Sub-millimeter Galaxies
New results from the low-frequency counterpart of the XMM large scale structure survey
HII and H2 in the envelopes of cooling flow central galaxies
EDisCS - the ESO distant cluster survey. Sample definition and optical photometry
Observations of H I absorbing gas in compact radio sources at cosmological redshifts
A large-area near-infrared emission line survey for star forming galaxies at z=2.1-2.4
ISO observations of a sample of Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz Peaked Spectrum radio galaxies
