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The GRAVITY young stellar object survey
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey
The magnetic field and multiple planets of the young dwarf AU Mic
Misalignment of the outer disk of DK Tau and a first look at its magnetic field using spectropolarimetry
One year of AU Mic with HARPS
PENELLOPE: The ESO data legacy program to complement the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars (ULLYSES)
"Reading between the lines''
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey
Time-resolved photometry of the young dipper RX J1604.3-2130A: unveiling the structure and mass transport through the innermost disk
The GRAVITY Young Stellar Object survey. I. Probing the disks of Herbig Ae/Be stars in terrestrial orbits
Spatially Resolving the Quasar Broad Emission Line Region
Variable Outer Disk Shadowing around the Dipper Star RXJ1604.3-2130
Binary stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster