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On the uncertainties of the central density in axisymmetric galaxies resulting from deprojection
Self-Consistent, Axisymmetric Two-Integral Models of Elliptical Galaxies with Embedded Nuclear Discs
Dynamics of the nuclear gas and dust disc in the E4 radio galaxy NGC 7052
Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo cluster elliptical galaxies. II: Isophote shapes.
Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo Cluster elliptical galaxies. 1: Observations, discussion, and conclusions
On the distance to the new luminous blue variable WRA 751 and its variability
Light variations of massive stars (Alpha Cygni variables). XIII - The B-type hypergiants R81 (LBV), HD 80077 (LBV?), HD 168607 = V 4029 Sagittarii (LBV) and HD 168625 = V 4030 Sagittarii
HD 80859 (B5 V) - A possible new slowly pulsating B-type star