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Long-term outcome of immediate versus Postponed Intervention in Patients With Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis (POINTER)
Development of pancreatic diseases during long-term follow-up after acute pancreatitis
Structured alcohol cessation support program versus current practice in acute alcoholic pancreatitis (PANDA)
Incisional negative pressure wound therapy for the prevention of surgical site infection
Endoscopic versus surgical step-up approach for infected necrotizing pancreatitis (ExTENSION):
Endoscopic versus surgical step-up approach for infected necrotizing pancreatitis (ExTENSION)
Short- and long-term outcomes of selective use of Frey or extended lateral pancreaticojejunostomy in chronic pancreatitis
Preoperative serum ADAM12 levels as a stromal marker for overall survival and benefit of adjuvant therapy in patients with resected pancreatic and periampullary cancer
Immediate versus Postponed Intervention for Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis
Epithelial argininosuccinate synthetase is dispensable for intestinal regeneration and tumorigenesis
Pain patterns in chronic pancreatitis
Whole-exome sequencing identifies SLC52A1 and ZNF106 variants as novel genetic risk factors for (early) multiple-organ failure in acute pancreatitis
A systematic review and meta-analysis of disease severity and risk of recurrence in young versus elderly patients with left-sided acute diverticulitis
Effect of early surgery vs endoscopy-first approach on pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis
Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnostic work-up of idiopathic acute pancreatitis (PICUS)
Meta-analysis of the role of colonoscopy after an episode of left-sided acute diverticulitis
A systematic review and meta-analysis of outpatient treatment for acute diverticulitis
The Dutch Pancreas Biobank Within the Parelsnoer Institute: A Nationwide Biobank of Pancreatic and Periampullary Diseases
Risk of Recurrent Pancreatitis and Progression to Chronic Pancreatitis After a First Episode of Acute Pancreatitis
Early versus On-Demand Nasoenteric Tube Feeding in Acute Pancreatitis
