Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The ATLAS^3D Project - XXXI. Nuclear radio emission in nearby early-type galaxies
The ATLAS3D Project - XXX. Star formation histories and stellar population scaling relations of early-type galaxies
The ATLAS3D Project - XXX. Star formation histories and stellar population scaling relations of early-type galaxies
High Velocity Clouds: Remnants of Local Group Formation
The Formation of the Local Group and the High Velocity Clouds
A millimeter-wave survey of CO emission in Seyfert galaxies
The velocity field of the outer Galaxy in the Southern Hemisphere. II - CO observations of galactic nebulae
The velocity field of the outer Galaxy in the Southern Hemisphere. I - Catalogue of nebulous objects
The gamma-ray deficit toward the Galactic center
The radial distribution of gamma rays and cosmic rays in the outer Galaxy
The radial distribution of galactic gamma-rays. I - Emissivity and extent in the outer galaxy