Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Does 'summative' count? The influence of the awarding of study credits on feedback use and test-taking motivation in medical progress testing
Understanding students' feedback use in medical progress testing: A qualitative interview study
Design and first impressions of a small private online course in clinical workplace learning
First steps in the physician-scientist pipeline
The effect of peer modelling and discussing modelled feedback principles on medical students’ feedback skills
The effect of peer modelling and discussing modelled feedback principles on medical students' feedback skills
Academic success experiences
The importance of motivation in selecting undergraduate medical students for extracurricular research programmes
Development of a clinical teaching unit in internal medicine to promote interprofessional and multidisciplinary learning
Promoting positive perceptions of and motivation for research among undergraduate medical students to stimulate future research involvement: a grounded theory study
Promoting positive perceptions of and motivation for research among undergraduate students to stimulate future research involvement
Twelve tips to offer a short authentic and experiential individual research opportunity to a large group of undergraduate students
Fostering the physician–scientist workforce: a prospective cohort study to investigate the effect of undergraduate medical students’ motivation for research on actual research involvement
Fostering the physician-scientist workforce
Peer instruction improves comprehension and transfer of physiological concepts: a randomized comparison with self-explanation
How do self-efficacy beliefs for academic writing and collaboration and intrinsic motivation for academic writing and research develop during an undergraduate research project?
Immediate and delayed effects of a modelling example on the application of principles of good feedback practice: A quasi-experimental study
Peer instruction improves comprehension and transfer of physiological concepts: a randomized comparison with self-explanation
Future physician-scientists: could we catch them young? Factors influencing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for research among first-year medical students
Future physician-scientists: could we catch them young? Factors influencing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for research among first-year medical students
