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Vigilance and circadian function in daytime and nocturnal epilepsy compared to controls
Skin temperature as a predictor of on-the-road driving performance in people with central disorders of hypersomnolence
Applicability of the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) in hypersomnolence
Usefulness of the maintenance of wakefulness test in central disorders of hypersomnolence: a scoping review
Hypocretin-1 measurements in cerebrospinal fluid using radioimmunoassay
Intermediate hypocretin-1 cerebrospinal fluid levels and typical cataplexy
Intermediate hypocretin-1 cerebrospinal fluid levels and typical cataplexy
Comparing objective wakefulness and vigilance tests to on-the-road driving performance in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia
Circadian rhythm disruption as a link between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and obesity?
Economic analysis comparing induction of labor and expectant management in women with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes between 34 and 37 weeks (PPROMEXIL trial)
Economic analysis comparing induction of labour and expectant management for intrauterine, growth restriction at term (DIGITAT trial)
Health-Related Quality of Life after Induction of Labor versus Expectant Monitoring in Gestational Hypertension or Preeclampsia at Term
Economic analysis of induction of labor versus expectant management in women with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes between 34 and 37 weeks (PPROMEXIL trial ISRCTN29313500)
Does induction of labor in women with a positive GBS vaginal culture decreases the risk for neonatal sepsis in women with PPROM between 34 and 37 weeks?
Prediction of neonatal sepsis in women with PPROM between 34 and 37 weeks of gestational age
Induction versus expectant monitoring for intrauterine growth restriction at term: randomised equivalence trial (DIGITAT)