Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Long-term effects of experiencing childhood parental death on mental and physical health
Growing up together
What about the children?
Child maltreatment during school and childcare closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Effectiveness of an attachment-based intervention for the assessment of parenting capacities in maltreating families
Effectiveness of an attachment-based intervention for the assessment of parenting capacities in maltreating families: a randomized controlled trial
Prevalence of child maltreatment in the Netherlands: an update and cross-time comparison
Don't touch: Developmental trajectories of toddlers' behavioral regulation related to older siblings' behaviors and parental discipline
Out-of-home placement decisions: How individual characteristics of professionals are reflected in deciding about child protection cases
The quality of out-of-home placement decisions: individual characteristics of and agreement among decision-makers
Are negative parental attributions predicted by situational stress? From a theoretical assumption toward an experimental answer.
Improving decision-making agreement in child protection cases by using information regarding parents' response to an intervention: A vignette study
Prevalentieschatting van kindermishandeling in de reguliere Nederlandse jeugdzorg. In Commissie onderzoek naar geweld in de Jeugdzorg Onvoldoende beschermd: Deel 2-Sector- en themastudies
Fathers: The interplay between testosterone levels and self-control in relation to parenting quality
NPM-2017: nationale prevalentiestudie mishandeling van kinderen en jeugdigen
The association between child maltreatment and emotional, cognitive, and physical health functioning in Vietnam
No! Don’t touch the toys: Preschoolers’ discipline towards their younger siblings
De prevalentie van kindermishandeling in Nederland: paper De Nationale Prevalentiestudies Mishandeling van kinderen en jeugd: Slotwoord.
De Nationale Prevalentiestudie Mishandeling van kinderen en jeugdigen (NPM): Een repliek op Prinsen.
Mothers' and fathers' sensitivity with their two children: A longitudinal study from infancy to early childhood.
