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Concise Review: The Endothelial Cell Extracellular Matrix Regulates Tissue Homeostasis and Repair
Concise review: the endothelial cell extracellular matrix regulates tissue homeostasis and repair
Renal Subcapsular Transplantation of PSC-Derived Kidney Organoids Induces Neo-vasculogenesis and Significant Glomerular and Tubular Maturation In Vivo
State of the heart : the promise of pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in disease modelling, differentiation and development
Transcriptome of human foetal heart compared with cardiomyocytes from pluripotent stem cells
Cardiomyocytes Derived From Pluripotent Stem Cells Recapitulate Electrophysiological Characteristics of an Overlap Syndrome of Cardiac Sodium Channel Disease
Cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells recapitulate electrophysiological characteristics of an overlap syndrome of cardiac sodium channel disease
Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of a Cardiac Sodium Channelopathy
Pluripotent stem cell models of cardiac disease and their implication for drug discovery and development
Pluripotent stem cell models of cardiac disease and their implication for drug discovery and development
