Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Documentation of the patient characteristics morbid obesity and bariatric surgery in the hospital information system and the influence on the number of medication-related problems
The effect of medication reconciliation via a patient portal on medication discrepancies
Dynamics of the QTc interval over a 24-h dose interval after start of intravenous ciprofloxacin or low-dose erythromycin administration in ICU patients
Sex differences associated with adverse drug reactions resulting in hospital admissions
Pre-operative medication reconciliation by pharmacy technicians or anaesthesiologists
The use of a clinical decision support tool to assess the risk of QT drug-drug interactions in community pharmacies
Comparison of two algorithms to support medication surveillance for drug-drug interactions between QTc-prolonging drugs
Development and validation of a tool to assess the risk of QT drug-drug interactions in clinical practice
Prevalence of medication transfer errors in nephrology patients and potential risk factors
Development of a multivariable prediction model for identification of patients at risk for medication transfer errors at ICU discharge
Prospective Validation of a Risk Prediction Model to Identify High-Risk Patients for Medication Errors at Hospital Admission
Risk factors for medication errors at admission in preoperatively screened patients