Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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miR449 protects airway regeneration by controlling AURKA/HDAC6-mediated ciliary disassembly
Long-term effect of alpha(1)-antitrypsin augmentation therapy on the decline of FEV1 in deficient patients
Protocol for the EARCO Registry
Efficacy and safety of inhaled alpha 1-antitrypsin in patients with severe alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency and frequent exacerbations of COPD
Liver Fibrosis and Metabolic Alterations in Adults With alpha-1-antitrypsin Deficiency Caused by the Pi*ZZ Mutation
Genetic landscape of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identifies heterogeneous cell-type and phenotype associations
Electronic cigarettes: a task force report from the European Respiratory Society
The European Alpha-1 Research Collaboration (EARCO): a new ERS Clinical Research Collaboration to promote research in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Hepatic-targeted RNA interference provides robust and persistent knockdown of alpha-1 antitrypsin levels in ZZ patients
Effects of E-Cigarette Use on Human Lung Tissue On Harm Reduction and Causing Harm
European Cohort Reveals Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis in Adults with Homozygous Alpha1-antitrypsin Deficiency (PiZZ Genotype)
Exacerbation of COPD
Basic science of electronic cigarettes: assessment in cell culture and in vivo models
The innate immune function of airway epithelial cells in inflammatory lung disease
The EvA study: aims and strategy