Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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A high-field cellular DNP-supported solid-state NMR approach to study proteins with sub-cellular specificity
Protein dynamics and lipid affinity of monomeric, zeaxanthin-binding LHCII in thylakoid membranes
Conformational dynamics of light-harvesting complex II in a native membrane environment
DNP-Supported Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Proteins Inside Mammalian Cells
A tailored multi-frequency EPR approach to accurately determine the magnetic resonance parameters of dynamic nuclear polarization agents: application to AMUPol
The magnetic field dependence of cross-effect dynamic nuclear polarization under magic angle spinning
Ultrahigh field MAS NMR dipolar correlation spectroscopy of the histidine residues in light-harvesting complex II from photosynthetic bacteria levels partial internal charge transfer in the B850/his complex
Heteronuclear 2D-correlations in a uniformly [C-13,N-15] labeled membrane-protein complex at ultra-high magnetic fields
Secondary chemical shifts in immobilized peptides and proteins
Backbone and side-chain C-13 and N-15 signal assignments of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain by magic angle spinning solid-state NMR at 17.6 Tesla