Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Discovery of low-affinity preproinsulin epitopes and detection of autoreactive CD8 T-cells using combinatorial MHC multimers
Discovery of low-affinity preproinsulin epitopes and detection of autoreactive CD8 T-cells using combinatorial MHC multimers
Simultaneous detection of circulating autoreactive CD8+ T-cells specific for different islet cell-associated epitopes using combinatorial MHC multimers
Simultaneous Detection of Circulating Autoreactive CD8(+) T-Cells Specific for Different Islet Cell-Associated Epitopes Using Combinatorial MHC Multimers
MHC ligand generation in T cell-mediated immunity and MHC multimer technologies for T cell detection
Analysis of protease activity in live-antigen-presenting cells shows regulation of the phagosomal proteolytic contents during dendritic cell activation