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EXO1-mediated DNA repair by single-strand annealing is essential for BRCA1-deficient cells
HPF1-dependent histone ADP-ribosylation triggers chromatin relaxation to promote the recruitment of repair factors at sites of DNA damage
Multi-pathway DNA-repair reporters reveal competition between end-joining, single-strand annealing and homologous recombination at Cas9-induced DNA double-strand breaks
CHEK2 variants: linking functional impact to cancer risk
XPC-PARP complexes engage the chromatin remodeler ALC1 to catalyze global genome DNA damage repair
Chaperoning of the histone octamer by the acidic domain of DNA repair factor APLF
Chl1 helicase controls replication fork progression by regulating dNTP pools
Functional analysis identifies damaging CHEK2 missense variants associated with increased cancer risk
Genomic Reporter Constructs to Monitor Pathway-Specific Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks
A BRCA1 Coiled-Coil Domain Variant Disrupting PALB2 Interaction Promotes the Development of Mammary Tumors and Confers a Targetable Defect in Homologous Recombination Repair
Zinc finger protein ZNF384 is an adaptor of Ku to DNA during classical non-homologous end-joining
RNF168 E3 ligase participates in ubiquitin signaling and recruitment of SLX4 during DNA crosslink repair
Proteomic analysis identifies novel binding partners of BAP1
Epigenetics Identifier screens reveal regulators of chromatin acylation and limited specificity of acylation antibodies
DNA double-strand break repair: putting zinc fingers on the sore spot
Characterisation of protein-truncating and missense variants in PALB2 in 15 768 women from Malaysia and Singapore
ERCC1 mutations impede DNA damage repair and cause liver and kidney dysfunction in patients
ERCC1 mutations impede DNA damage repair and cause liver and kidney dysfunction in patients
Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation temporally confines SUMO-dependent ataxin-3 recruitment to control DNA double-strand break repair
CHD7 and 53BP1 regulate distinct pathways for the re-ligation of DNA double-strand breaks
