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Fluorescence polarisation activity-based protein profiling for the identification of deoxynojirimycin-type inhibitors selective for lysosomal retaining alpha- and beta-glucosidases
Corrigendum: Xylose-configured cyclophellitols as selective inhibitors for glucocerebrosidase
4-O-Substituted Glucuronic Cyclophellitols are Selective Mechanism-Based Heparanase Inhibitors.
Xylose-configured cyclophellitols as selective inhibitors for glucocerebrosidase
Fabry disease: molecular basis, pathophysiology, diagnostics and potential therapeutic directions
Cysteine nucleophiles in glycosidase catalysis: application of a covalent β‐l‐arabinofuranosidase inhibitor
Activity-based protein profiling of retaining alpha-amylases in complex biological samples
Human glucocerebrosidase mediates formation of xylosyl-cholesterol by beta-xylosidase and transxylosidase reactions
Human glucocerebrosidase mediates formation of xylosyl-cholesterol by β-xylosidase and transxylosidase reactions
Structure of a GH51 α-L-arabinofuranosidase from Meripilus giganteus: conserved substrate recognition from bacteria to fungi
Structure of a GH51 alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase from Meripilus giganteus: conserved substrate recognition from bacteria to fungi
Plant Glycosides and Glycosidases: A Treasure-Trove for Therapeutics
Rational Design of Mechanism-Based Inhibitors and Activity-Based Probes for the Identification of Retaining α-l-Arabinofuranosidases
Discovering the Microbial Enzymes Driving Drug Toxicity with Activity-Based Protein Profiling
Glycosphingolipids and lysosomal storage disorders as illustrated by gaucher disease
Alpha-d-Gal-cyclophellitol cyclosulfamidate is a Michaelis complex analog that stabilizes therapeutic lysosomal alpha-galactosidase A in Fabry disease
An overview of activity-based probes for glycosidases
Functionalized cyclophellitols are selective glucocerebrosidase inhibitors and induce a bona fide neuropathic Gaucher model in zebrafish
In vivo inactivation of glycosidases by conduritol B epoxide and cyclophellitol as revealed by activity-based protein profiling
New Irreversible alpha-l-Iduronidase Inhibitors and Activity-Based Probes
