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Peripheral and systemic antigens elicit an expandable pool of resident memory CD8(+) T cells in the bone marrow
Demarcated thresholds of tumor-specific CD8 T cells elicited by MCMV-based vaccine vectors provide robust correlates of protection
T-RM maintenance is regulated by tissue damage via P2RX7
Cytofast: A workflow for visual and quantitative analysis of flow andmass cytometry data to discover immune signatures and correlations
First Evidence of Dysfunctional Antigen-Specific T Cell Responses in Experimental CLL As a Model for Studies of Autologous T Cell-Based Therapies
Impact of congenital cytomegalovirus infection on transcriptomes from archived dried blood spots in relation to long-term clinical outcome
OX40 Stimulation Enhances Protective Immune Responses Induced After Vaccination With Attenuated Malaria Parasites
Exhaustion and Inflation at Antipodes of T Cell Responses to Chronic Virus Infection
The role of CD27-CD70-mediated T cell co-stimulation in vasculogenesis, arteriogenesis and angiogenesis
A flexible MHC class I multimer loading system for large-scale detection of antigen-specific T cells
Human plasmacytoid dendritic cells acquire phagocytic capacity by TLR9 ligation in the presence of soluble factors produced by renal epithelial cells
Features of effective T Cell-inducing vaccines against Chronic viral infections
The contribution of cytomegalovirus infection to immune senescence is set by the infectious Dose
The importance of correctly timing cancer immunotherapy
CD4(+) T Cell and NK Cell Interplay Key to Regression of MHC Class I-low Tumors upon TLR7/8 Agonist Therapy
Inhibition of 14q32 microRNA miR-495 reduces lesion formation, intimal hyperplasia and plasma cholesterol levels in experimental restenosis
CMV immune evasion and manipulation of the immune system with aging
Inhibition of 14q32 microRNA miR-495 reduces lesion formation, intimal hyperplasia and plasma cholesterol levels in experimental restenosis
Cytomegalovirus infection exacerbates autoimmune mediated neuroinflammation
Enforced OX40 Stimulation Empowers Booster Vaccines to Induce Effective CD4(+) and CD8(+) T Cell Responses against Mouse Cytomegalovirus Infection
