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Defining phenotype, tropism, and retinal gene therapy using adeno-associated viral vectors (AAVs) in new-born Brown Norway rats with a spontaneous mutation in Crb1
AAV-CRB2 protects against vision loss in an inducible CRB1 retinitis pigmentosa mouse model
Crumbs2 mediates ventricular layer remodelling to form the spinal cord central canal
CRB2 Loss in Rod Photoreceptors Is Associated with Progressive Loss of Retinal Contrast Sensitivity
Human iPSC-Derived Retinas Recapitulate the Fetal CRB1 CRB2 Complex Formation and Demonstrate that Photoreceptors and Muller Glia Are Targets of AAV5
Loss of CRB2 in Muller glial cells modifies a CRB1-associated retinitis pigmentosa phenotype into a Leber congenital amaurosis phenotype
Microglial Cell Dysfunction in CRB1-Associated Retinopathies
CRB2 in immature photoreceptors determines the superior-inferior symmetry of the developing retina to maintain retinal structure and function
Crumbs 2 prevents cortical abnormalities in mouse dorsal telencephalon
Gene therapy into photoreceptors and Muller glial cells restores retinal structure and function in CRB1 retinitis pigmentosa mouse models
Targeted Ablation of Crb1 and Crb2 in Retinal Progenitor Cells Mimics Leber Congenital Amaurosis