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(41 - 52 of 52)


The Portrait's Dispersal: Concepts of Representation and Subjectivity in Contemporary Portraiture
Focalisation as perception and as figure of knowing
Hacia una nueva historiagrafia: Peter Forgács y la esthética de la temporalidad
Radicaal Perspectivisme: van gevangenschap tot bijnadoodervaring
Die Dekonstruktion der Mänlichkeit – Zur Körpersprache im Werk Francis Bacons
The Rhetoric of Sincerity
Archival Obessions and Obsessive Archives
Towards a New Historiography: Peter Forgacs and the Aesthetics of Temporality
Affective Operations of Art and Literature
Configurations of Self: Modernism and Distraction
Literatuur als legitimatie: het geval van de 'plaasroman'
Barokke vertellingen
