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Chandra measurements of gas homogeneity and turbulence at intermediate radii in the Perseus Cluster
BASS. XXXVI. Constraining the local supermassive black hole-halo connection with BASS DR2 AGNs
The relation between accretion rate and jet power in early-type galaxies with thermally unstable hot atmospheres
A Shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster
A shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster
Cluster Cosmology Constraints from the 2500 deg^2 SPT-SZ Survey: Inclusion of Weak Gravitational Lensing Data from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope
Cooling in the X-ray halo of the rotating, massive early-type galaxy NGC 7049
The Future Landscape of High-Redshift Galaxy Cluster Science
Spectroscopic Confirmation of Five Galaxy Clusters at z ~ 1.25 in the 2500 deg^2 SPT-SZ Survey
Cluster mass calibration at high redshift: HST weak lensing analysis of 13 distant galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Survey
XMM-Newton X-ray and HST weak gravitational lensing study of the extremely X-ray luminous galaxy cluster Cl J120958.9+495352 (z = 0.902)
Atmospheric gas dynamics in the Perseus cluster observed with Hitomi
ALMA observation of the disruption of molecular gas in M87
Hitomi X-ray observation of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9
Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster
Improved measurements of turbulence in the hot gaseous atmospheres of nearby giant elliptical galaxies