Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The PAH Emission Characteristics of the Reflection Nebula NGC 2023
Photochemistry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Cosmic Water Ice: The Role of PAH Ionization and Concentration
Spectroscopy of large PAHs. Laboratory studies and comparison to the Diffuse Interstellar Bands
Time-dependent chemistry in dense molecular clouds. II - Ultraviolet photoprocessing and infrared spectroscopy of grain mantles
Time dependent chemistry in dense molecular clouds. III - Infrared band cross sections of molecules in the solid state at 10 K
Time dependent chemistry in dense molecular clouds. I - Grain surface reactions, gas/grain interactions and infrared spectroscopy
Laboratory identification of the emission features near 3.5 microns in the pre-main sequence star HD 97048
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the diffuse interstellar bands
Absorption features in the 5-8 micron spectra of protostars
4.6 micron absorption features due to solid phase CO and cyano group molecules toward compact infrared sources
Identification of the emission feature near 3.5 microns in the pre-main-sequence star HD 97048
Circumstellar silicon chemistry and the SiO maser
Interstellar grain explosions - Molecule cycling between gas and dust
Laboratory and theoretical results on interstellar molecule production by grains in molecular clouds
The chemical identification of grain mantles by infrared spectroscopy
Interstellar molecule formation in grain mantles - The laboratory analog experiments, results and implications
On the middle infra-red fluorescence and absorption of molecules in grain mantles
Infra-red molecular line emission from grain surfaces in dense clouds
Infra-red emission lines from molecules in grain mantles