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(121 - 140 of 253)


Two-year results of disease activity score (DAS)-remission-steered treatment strategies aiming at drug-free remission in early arthritis patients (the IMPROVED-study)
Erosions in the foot at baseline are predictive of orthopaedic shoe use after 10 years of treat to target therapy in patients with recent onset rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid Factor Is Associated With the Distribution of Hand Joint Destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inflammation Signs on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Chronic or Recurrent Gonarthritis Treated with Intra-Articular Infliximab or Corticosteroids
Rheumatoid Factor Is Associated with the Distribution of Hand Joint Destruction in a Dose-Dependent Manner
Pragmatic Multicenter Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial of Stopping TNF-Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Remission or Stable Low Disease Activity in the Netherlands
Treatment Target in a Disease Activity Score Steered Treatment Protocol in Early Arthritis Patients: Low Disease Activity or Remission
Age Effects Joint Space Narrowing in Early Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Assessment of Global Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis by Patients and Physicians: Differences Across Countries in the METEOR Database
Is Treat-to-Target Really Working? a Longitudinal Analysis in Biodam
An investigation of the added value of an ACPA multiplex assay in an early rheumatoid arthritis setting
Erosions in the Foot at Baseline Are Predictive of Orthopedic Shoe Use after 10 Years of Treat to Target Therapy
Determinants of reaching drug-free remission in patients with early rheumatoid or undifferentiated arthritis after one year of remission-steered treatment
Disease flares in rheumatoid arthritis are associated with joint damage progression and disability: 10-year results from the BeSt study
Response to 'Feasibility of tailored treatment based on risk stratification in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis' - authors' reply
Continued Participation in a Ten-Year Tight Control Treat-to-Target Study in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Why Keep Patients Doing their Best?
Four-month metacarpal bone mineral density loss predicts radiological joint damage progression after 1 year in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: exploratory analyses from the IMPROVED study
Can we prevent rapid radiological progression in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis?
A Comparison of Three Treatment Strategies in Recent Onset DMARD Naive Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: 3-Months Results of the BeSt for Kids-Study
Feasibility of tailored treatment based on risk stratification in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis
