Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Histological response to radiotherapy is an early event in myxoid liposarcoma
Targeting the NAD salvage synthesis pathway as a novel therapeutic strategy for osteosarcomas with low NAPRT expression
Germline variants in POLE are associated with early onset mismatch repair deficient colorectal cancer
Near-Haploidization Significantly Associates with Oncocytic Adrenocortical, Thyroid, and Parathyroid Tumors but not with Mitochondrial DNA Mutations
R132C IDH1 Mutations Are Found in Spindle Cell Hemangiomas and Not in Other Vascular Tumors or Malformations
R132C IDH1 Mutations Are Found in Spindle Cell Hemangiomas and Not in Other Vascular Tumors or Malformations
R132C IDH1 Mutations Are Found in Spindle Cell Hemangiomas and Not in Other Vascular Tumors or Malformations
The activities of Smad and Gli mediated signalling pathways in high-grade conventional osteosarcoma
BMP and TGFbeta pathways in human central chondrosarcoma: enhanced endoglin and Smad 1 signaling in high grade tumors