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Cryptosporulation in Kurthia spp. forces a rethinking of asporogenesis in Firmicutes
Ectopic positioning of the cell division plane is associated with single amino acid substitutions in the FtsZ-recruiting SsgB in Streptomyces
Ectopic positioning of the cell division plane is associated with single amino acid substitutions in the FtsZ-recruiting SsgB in Streptomyces
Sub-pixel electron detection using a convolutional neural network
Functional and structural insights into a novel promiscuous ketoreductase of the lugdunomycin biosynthetic pathway
Functional and structural insights into a novel promiscuous ketoreductase of the lugdunomycin biosynthetic pathway
A lipocalin mediates unidirectional heme biomineralization in malaria parasites
The wild-type flagellar filament of the Firmicute Kurthia at 2.8 Å resolution in vivo
3D Electron diffraction
2D Crystal engineering of nanosheets assembled from helical peptide building blocks
Inelastic scattering and solvent scattering reduce dynamical diffraction in biological crystals
Supramolecular architectures of molecularly thin yet robust free-standing layers
Reducing dynamical electron scattering reveals hydrogen atoms
A molecular level approach to elucidate the supramolecular packing of light-harvesting antenna systems
Protein structure determination by electron diffraction using a single three-dimensional nanocrystal
Purification of biotinylated proteins using single walled carbon nanotube-streptavidin complexes
Ab initio structure determination of nanocrystals of organic pharmaceutical compounds by electron diffraction at room temperature using a Timepix quantum area direct electron detector
Reciprocal molecular interactions between the Aβ peptide linked to Alzheimer’s disease and insulin linked to diabetes mellitus Type II
Lattice filter for processing image data of three-dimensional protein nanocrystals
A posteriori correction of camera characteristics from large image data sets
