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"4D Biology for health and disease" workshop report
Recent advances in the CRANK software suite for experimental phasing
A straightforward and robust method for introducing human hair as a nucleant into high throughput crystallization trials
Evaluation of Medipix2 detector for recording electron diffraction data in low dose conditions
Image processing and lattice determination for three-dimensional nanocrystals
Low energy electron microscopy imaging using Medipix2 detectors
EDIFF: a program for automated unit-cell determination and indexing of electron diffraction data
A graphene oxide center dot streptavidin complex for biorecognition - towards affinity purification
Stable single-walled carbon nanotube-streptavidin complex for biorecognition
A novel approximation method of CTF amplitude correction for 3D single particle reconstruction
The Max-Inf2/Lorentz Center workshop on New algorithms in macromolecular crystallography and electron microscopy
Involvement of a carboxylated lysine in UV damage endonuclease
Crystal structure of chlorite dismutase, a detoxifying enzyme producing molecular oxygen
Medipix 2 detector applied to low energy electron microscopy
Characterization of a diagnostic Fab fragment binding trimeric Lewis X
Microtubule plus-end conformations and dynamics in the periphery of interphase mouse fibroblasts
Recycling of aborted ribosomal 50S subunit-nascent chain-tRNA complexes by the heat shock protein Hsp15
Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of chlorite dismutase
Crystal structure of the DNA repair enzyme ultraviolet damage endonuclease
