Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Defining the surface oxygen threshold that switches the interaction mode of graphene oxide with bacteria
Trophic transfer of Cu nanoparticles in a simulated aquatic food chain
Gold nanoparticles decorated with ovalbumin-derived epitopes
An analytical workflow for dynamic characterization and quantification of metal-bearing nanomaterials in biological matrices
Can current regulations account for intentionally produced nanoplastics?
Emerging investigator series
An overview of methodologies for tracing and quantifying microplastics in environmental samples
The analytical quest for sub-micron plastics in biological matrices
The stochastic association of nanoparticles with algae at the cellular level: effects of NOM, particle size and particle shape
An environmental ecocorona influences the formation and evolution of the biological corona on the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Method for extraction of nanoscale plastic debris from soil
Parental and trophic transfer of nanoscale plastic debris in an assembled aquatic food chain as a function of particle size
The differences between the effects of a nano-formulation and a conventional form of atrazine to lettuce
Metal sorption onto nanoscale plastic debris and trojan horse effects in Daphnia magna: role of dissolved organic matter
Interaction between a nano-formulation of atrazine and rhizosphere bacterial communities: atrazine degradation and bacterial community alterations
Micro(nano)plastics in aquatic organisms, transferability of knowledge from nanowires
Accurate quantification of TiO2 nanoparticles in commercial sunscreens using standard materials and orthogonal particle sizing methods for verification
Deciphering the particle specific effects on metabolism in rat liver and plasma from ZnO nanoparticles versus ionic Zn exposure
Graphene oxide-induced pH alteration, iron overload, and subsequent oxidative damage in rice (Oryza sativa L.): a new mechanism of nanomaterial phytotoxicity
Do the joint effects of size, shape and ecocorona influence the attachment and physical eco(cyto)toxicity of nanoparticles to algae?
