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Starburst energy feedback seen through HCO^+/HOC^+ emission in NGC 253 from ALCHEMI
Observed CN and HCN intensity ratios exhibit subtle variations in extreme galaxy environments
Origins space telescope
Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: the PUMA project
A giant molecular cloud catalogue in the molecular disc of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)
ALCHEMI, an ALMA comprehensive high-resolution extragalactic molecular inventory
Black hole feeding and star formation in NGC 1808
Kinetic temperature of massive star-forming molecular clumps measured with formaldehyde
Heterodyne receiver for Origins
ALMA resolves the remarkable molecular jet and rotating wind in the extremely radio-quiet galaxy NGC 1377
ALMA observations of CS in NGC 1068: chemistry and excitation
Star Formation Efficiencies at Giant Molecular Cloud Scales in the Molecular Disk of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)
ALMA images the many faces of the NGC 1068 torus and its surroundings
ALMA captures feeding and feedback from the active galactic nucleus in NGC 613
The hidden heart of the luminous infrared galaxy IC 860. I. A molecular inflow feeding opaque, extreme nuclear activity
ALMA observations of molecular tori around massive black holes
Hidden or missing outflows in highly obscured galaxy nuclei?
Fire in the Heart: A Characterization of the High Kinetic Temperatures and Heating Sources in the Nucleus of NGC 253
Extremely obscured galaxy nuclei — hidden AGNs and extreme starbursts
