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(341 - 360 of 462)


Honger in de Hoorn: een drama in kaarten en grafieken
New mobilities and insecurities in Fulbe nomadic societies: a multi-country study in west-central Africa (Niger-Nigeria)
Mobilités nouvelles et insécurités dans les sociétés nomades Fulbé (peules): étude de plusieurs pays en Afrique Centrale de l'ouest (Niger-Nigeria)
Improving school feeding through school farming: the case of Nakuru town, Kenya
Legitimizing corruption in government: Security votes in Nigeria
The formation of community based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of a quasi-experiment
No cure for non-payment? Alimony redress in Cianjur
Can health insurance be the magic bullet? The case of Microcare ltd. in Uganda
Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages
Ignoring another inconvenient truth? Challenges in managing Africa's water crisis
Afrika en de kredietcrisis
The Total Somali Clan Genealogy (second edition)
