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(461 - 480 of 508)


Female-headed households: their survival strategies in Tanzania
Sub-Saharan Africa betwixt and between: rural livelihood practices and policies
Agriculture and co-operative labour in Shixini, Transkei, South Africa
Cocoa farming and income diversification in south-western Nigeria
African rural labour, income diversification and livelihood approaches: a long-term development perspective
De-agrarianisation and the urbanisation of a rural economy: agrarian patterns in Melani village in the Eastern Cape
If the drumming changes, the dance also changes : de-agrarianisation and rural non-farm employment in the Nigerian savanna
Not farms alone : a study of rural livelihoods in the Middle Belt of Nigeria
The politics of survival : towards a global, long-term and reflexive interpretation of the African contemporary experience
De-agrarianisation and rural employment in Igboland, south-eastern Nigeria
Income diversification in the semi-arid zone of Nigeria : a study of Gigane, Sokoto, north-west Nigeria
Changing village land, labour and livelihoods: Rungwe and Kyela districts, Tanzania
Farming in the city of Nairobi
Food consumption and nutrition in the Kenya Coast
The dynamics of population, land scarcity, agriculture and non-agricultural activities: West Usambara mountains, Lushoto District, Tanzania
Coming full circle: agriculture, non-farm activities and the resurgence of out-migration in Njombe district, Tanzania
Changing lifestyles in farming societies of Sukumaland: Kwimba District, Tanzania
Rural non-farm activities in impoverished agricultural communities : the case of North Shoa Ethiopia
Working for the future: elite women's strategies in Brazzaville
Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa
