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Preclinical therapy development in FSHD
Identifying and characterizing regulators of histone acylation and replication stress
Modifying the modifier
Epigenetic alterations in the predisposition to and progression of melanoma
How electrostatic interactions drive nucleosome binding of RNF168 & PSIP : structural studies and their implications for rational drug design
Nucleosome stacking in chromatin fibers probed with single-molecule force- and torque-spectroscopy
The role of inflammation in cardiac and vascular remodelling
Exploring the world of non-coding genes in stem cells and autoimmunity.
Expanding the mutation spectrum in FSHD and ICF syndrome
The juvenile antisocial brain : brain imaging studies in clinically antisocial youth with nascent phychopathic traits
Organ-specific barcodes in human fetal development and stem cell differentiation : the pancreas in the spotlight
Genetics and epigenetics of repeat derepression in human disease
Molecular biomarkers predicting clinical outcome in colon and rectal cancer
Epigenetic prognostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer
Epigenetic differences after prenatal adversity : the Dutch hunger winter
Post-interventional atherosclerotic vascular remodeling : preclinical investigation into immune-modulatory therapies
Genetic prognostic factors in uveal melanoma
High-throughput DNA methylation analysis in colorectal cancer and childhood leukemia
(Epi)genetic factors in vascular disease
Genes, inflammation, and age-related diseases
