Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Privaatrechtelijke handhaving van mededingingsrecht
European Liberalism and 'the Muslim Question'
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 22, 2008
Civil service reform in post-communist countries : the case of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic
Court reform
One Zambia, many histories: towards a history of post-colonial Zambia
Plantations, power and people : two case studies of restructuring South Africa's forestry sector
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 23, 2008
In the Land of the Chiefs : customary law, land conflicts, and the role of the state in Peri-Urban Ghana
Enforcing fire safety in the catering industry : an economic analysis
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 21, 2008
Coming back from the bush: gender, youth and reintegration in northern Sierra Leone
The bastion of liberty : Leiden University today and yesterday
International migration and national development in sub-Saharan Africa : viewpoints and policy initiatives in the countries of origin
Access to justice and legal empowerment : making the poor central in legal development co-operation
'Beyond their age': coping of children and young people in child-headed households in South Africa
Lawmaking for development : explorations into the theory and practice of international legislative projects
