Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Asymmetry in grammar
Vedic Pluperfect = Intransitive Imperfect? (Transitivity and Tense in Rigveda)
On the distinction between raising and control
Das Ödbachtal im niederbayerischen Gäuboden als Siedlungsraum im Alt-, Mittel- und beginnenden Jungneolithikum
The Meuse Valley Project: GIS and site location statistics
Linearbandkeramik aus Meindling, Gem. Oberschneiding, Ldkr. Straubing-Bogen
Dust and ashes: the two Neolithic cemeteries of Elsloo and Niedermerz compared
The Indo-Iranian laryngeal accent shift and its relative chronology.
The Michelsberg site Maastricht-Klinkers: a functional interpretation
Pitfalls in Image Reconstruction
Chert procurement strategies in the LBK settlement of Meindling, Bavaria
COMPTEL solar flare observations
De uitdaging van het postmodernisme
Spectropolarimetry of the Luminous IRAS Galaxy IR 22017+0319
Drie fasen in de ontwikkeling en institutionalisering van mensenrechten
Scientific objectives and first results from COMPTEL
