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Adapting to uncertainty
Natural soundscapes of lowland river habitats and the potential threat of urban noise pollution to migratory fish
Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals
Understanding validity criteria in technology-enhanced learning
Evaluation of completely online psychotherapy with app-support versus therapy as usual for clients with depression or anxiety disorder
Late reproduction is associated with extended female survival but not with familial longevity
The value of metabolites and vitamins for the assessment of nutritional status in hospitalized patients
From formal to (more) substantive equality approaches across jurisdictions
Immune suppression by human thymus-derived effector Tregs relies on glucose/lactate-fueled fatty acid synthesis
Multimodality imaging in coronary artery disease
hiPSC-derived 3D cardiac microtissue models with integrated immune cells and vasculature
Peri-operative care in patients with morbid obesity
Op maat
Embracing a new beginning
Molecular sensors for calcium ion detection via triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion
Weapons of choice
Rechtsverwerking en klachtplichten in het verbintenissenrecht
Waarom een PVV-minister voor ontwikkelingshulp is
Molecular precision surgery
Serial learners
