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Three-colour photometry in the UBV system of 51 northern Cepheids
Note on the determination of K<SUB>z</SUB> and on the mass density near the Sun.
The position of the galactic centre
Methods for computing the original orbits of comets
Very accurate positions of selected stars
Internal motions and density distribution in a globular cluster
The sociology and culture of Africa: its nature and scope
Neutral hydrogen in M 33 and M 101
21-cm observations on the Coma cluster
Neutral hydrogen in extra-galactic systems
Structure and dynamics of Messier 3
Concluding lecture
The interstellar gas in the central part of the galaxy.
Observations of M 32 at 21 cm
Five new variable stars in Corona Australis
The galactic system as a spiral nebula (Council Note)
Dynamics of bright rims in diffuse nebulae
The distribution of atomic hydrogen in the Galaxy
