Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Different approaches to cross-language information retrieval
Review of Blanc, C. Le (2000) Le Wen zi à la lumière de l’histoire et de l’archéologie
Fullerene-like III-V clusters
De sociaal-dilemmatische taakorganisatie
Limb development in a “nonmodel” vertebrate, the direct‐developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui
Phonetic implementation of phonological categories in Sign Language of the Netherlands
Friese cultuur in het jonge Koninkrijk
Dramatic modulation of electron transfer in protein complexes by crosslinking
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of 5-13C and 6-13C-ubiquinone-10 for studies of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers
Selective seed abortion and offspring quality
Translation of a nonpolyadenylated viral RNA is enhanced by binding of viral coat protein or polyadenylation of the RNA
An Arabidopsis Minute-like phenotype caused by a semi-dominant mutation in a RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S5 gene
Scholars, Concepts and Discoveries: A 3 x 3 Silhouette
Single-molecule imaging of L-type Ca2+ channels in live cells
An Arabidopsis Minute-like phenotype caused by a semi-dominant mutation in a RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S5 gene
Het verleden is niet voorbij
The Fate of Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Developing Countries
Dat kunnen we zelf wel! Over humanisme en het vermogen onszelf te corrigeren.
Septation and valvar formation in the outflow tract of the embryonic chick heart
