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Easy-to-read Dutch: A New Translation for Children and Adults
Adam Kok III
On the middle infra-red fluorescence and absorption of molecules in grain mantles
Chapter V: A tale of two villages: Bandkeramik social structure
Six Dyke Certificates
VBLUW photometry of the high-latitude, eclipsing system V 748 CEN /= CEN X-4, tentatively/
Gaseous halos - Implications for cluster, galaxy, and radio-source evolution
Three Regnal Dates Assigned to 310-311
Variance Components in test generalizability research: which, when, why?
Complementing aperture synthesis radio data by short spacing components from single dish observations
Toward a reconstruction of the Balto-Slavic verbal system
Drei byzantinische Briefe aus der Wiener Papyrussammlung
A systematic search at 1612 MHz for OH maser sources. I - Survey near the Galactic Centre
A Westerbork 1415 MHz survey of radio sources. V - Spectrophotometric observations of a sample of the stellar identifications
The radio properties of the X-ray cluster Abell 2256
Structural and spectral soft X-ray features in the Lupus region
