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On the Origin of the Term "Apostolic Fathers"
Preferences of Kikuyu mothers for children's foods
Appendix III: Examintation of LBK potsherd from Hienheim
I Introduction
TUCKALS2: Een hoofdassenanalyse voor drieweggegevens [TUCKALS2: A principal component analysis for three-mode data]
On the history of Slavic accentuation
Euclidean ideal classes
Ein neues Archiv: Hermias und Maximos, Söhne des Sarapion
Dates with Regnal Years of Three Rulers
Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents I
Aantekeningen van Erasmus in een exemplaar van zijn Apologiae omnes (1522)
On the formation and evolution of clumps of galaxies in an expanding universe
Mental Verbs in Terminist Logic
Οἶνος παλαιὸς εἰς ἀσκους νέους
Five Vienna Papyri Reconsidered
The variable shell star HR 5999. III - A new lightcurve based on Walraven and Stromgren photometries
Radio intensity and polarization distributions of quasars at three frequencies.
