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Genetic topography and cortical cell loss in Huntington's disease link development and neurodegeneration
The Many Faces of Huntington's Chorea Treatment: The Impact of Sudden Withdrawal of Tiapride after 40 Years of Use and a Systematic Review
Reader Response: Timing and Impact of Psychiatric, Cognitive, and Motor Abnormalities in Huntington Disease
Huntington?s disease influences employment before and during clinical manifestation: A systematic review
Dysphagia, fear of choking and preventive measures in patients with Huntington's disease
Juvenile-onset Huntington disease pathophysiology and neurodevelopment
The prevalence of pain in Huntington's disease in a large worldwide cohort
The prevalence of pain in Huntington’s Disease in a large worldwide cohort
Validating automated segmentation tools in the assessment of caudate atrophy in Huntington's disease
J04 Efficacy and safety of tiapride for chorea treatment in huntington's disease
Disease onset in Huntington's disease
Composite UHDRS correlates with progression of imaging biomarkers in Huntington's disease
Predictors of Working Capacity Changes Related to Huntington's Disease: A Longitudinal Study
Falls, Fear of Falling, and Preventive Measures in Huntington's Disease: The Perspectives of Individuals with Huntington's Disease and Caregivers in Long-Term Care
Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of SBT-020 in patients with early stage Huntington's disease, a 2-part study
Insulin sensitivity in De Novo Parkinson's disease
Longitudinal structural MRI in neurologically healthy adults
Predictive genetic testing in Huntington's disease
Diagnosing juvenile Huntington's disease
Measuring the quality of care in nursing home residents with early-onset neurodegenerative diseases: a scoping review
